2020. 3. 11. 04:56ㆍ카테고리 없음
. FAQ Why yet another PostgreSQL GUI client? Why not just pgAdmin? Well, pgAdmin is great for its feature-richness.
However, I found its UI is clumsy and complicated. I know there is. However, they are either web-based, Java-based. or don't support the features I want.
In the good old MySQL world, my favorite client is, but its support for PostgreSQL doesn't seem to be happening. So, I decided to make one myself. No offense to the Java community. I am a Java developer myself and I like JVM a lot. I just dislike Java desktop apps personally.
Is PSequel open source? There is no plan to open source it at this moment. Is PSequel a forked version of Sequel Pro? No, PSequel is written from scratch in Swift 2, although PSequel's UI is highly inspired by Sequel Pro. Why macOS 10.10+ only? I am developing PSequel in my spare time.
By supporting macOS 10.10+ only, I can keep the codebase simpler and save time by not testing it in older versions of macOS. And, less code, less bugs.
What's the current status of PSequel? PSequel is still in its early stage. My plan to implement most features in Sequel Pro. If you think a feature is important, please let me know and I'll adjust its priority based on its popularity. How do I report bugs or suggest new features? Please try not to create duplicate issues.
If you are reporting multiple bugs or suggesting multiple features, please create separate issues for each bug/feature. Please include your macOS, PostgreSQL and PSequel versions when reporting a bug. If you don't have a Github account, you could report bugs. How do I support the development of PSequel? If you like PSequel, please report bugs and/or.
© 2018 PSequel Project.
Psequel was a great PostgreSQL GUI client. Got inspired by the simplicity and elegance of Sequel Pro, the developer behind PSequel wanted to build a PostgreSQL equivalent of it. The main goal was just to bring the same experience of working with Sequel Pro from MySQL to PostgreSQL when Sequel Pro’s support for PostgreSQL never seems to happen.
And PSequel did a great job being a GUI client for Postgres. It was written from scratch in Swift 2 thus it’s really neat and clean. The UI is simple and elegant, just somewhat similar to Sequel Pro. You can be able to do anything with your PostgreSQL database, creating, connecting, updating, deleting, you name it.
It gets SSH tunneling right while most of the others failed to do so. It’s also available for free. That’s just great! Until PSequel died The latest version of PSequel which is V1.5.3 was released on. That was more than a year ago. Although no official statement has been issued, the development of PSequel had stopped and its has been filled with tons of unanswered questions, bug reports, and feature requests.
It’s also closed source and the developer had stated there were no plans to open source it before disappearing. In this fast-changing world where everything can be outdated easily, An app without speedy development and a frequent update schedule will never be able to deliver the best experience.
For most people, Psequel is no longer an available GUI for PostgreSQL. Moving on with an alternative GUI tool for PostgreSQL It’s time to try something new and keep up with the latest changes.
You will probably need a PostgreSQL client that:. Was built native to deliver the highest performance. No Electron, no Java-based. An app that can be able to get up and run in less than half a second or deal with heavy operations with a couple of million rows without freezing. Has a great support for PostgreSQL. You can be able to connect, create, update, delete, import, export your database and its data in a very fast and secure way. Has a well-thought design which works as you expected.
Sequel : Postgresql Gui Tool For Mac Download
Simple, clean and intuitive. You don’t need to be a tool expert to figure out how to use it. Is also free. Then TablePlus is the app that you’re looking for.
Free Postgresql Gui
TablePlus is a modern, native tool with an elegant UI that allows you to simultaneously manage multiple databases such as MySQL, PostgreSQL, SQLite, Microsoft SQL Server and more. It has everything you need for a PostgreSQL GUI Tool. Perhaps the best thing about being a user of TablePlus is having access to a really quick support. We response almost instantly to the bug reports, feature requests. We listen to all of our users’ feedback, put it into consideration and finally deliver a new update every week. Seems interesting?
Postgresql Gui Client
Try TablePlus and see for yourself: We don’t just say it You can visit that issue Some quick previews Data is shown in a spreadsheet-like view: Dark Theme: Quick Data Filter: Edit Database Structure: SQL Query Editor.